Mantra means tool of the soul.

We are made up of three things: body, mind and soul. Without any effort on our part, the body is constantly active. Our hearts beat, blood circulates and the brain emits electrical currents. Similarly, we don’t have to try very hard to connect with our minds. We don’t have to go looking for thoughts– they are always coming to us! But in order to delve deeper into the inner space, to connect with the force that animates us all (call it soul, consciousness, divinity or any other name), we have many different spiritual practices like mantra, meditation, prayer etc. Of these, mantra is a very simple and joyous universal practice to help us connect with our true nature of peace, bliss, joy and unconditional love.

Where do Mantras come from?

Mantras are the eternal sound vibrations of nature. These vibrations like the OM mantra can be perceived in deep states of meditation. While many sounds can awaken the physical body, emotions and intellect. Mantra music awakens an inner connection to that eternal dimension within us. Mantras create a harmony in our physical environment and harmony in our minds. These positive sound vibrations help to bring much needed peaceful energy to humanity and all creations. As mantras originate from nature we cannot say that they belong to one particular group, culture or religion. This is why mantras are referred to as a universal language. We are now witnessing an age whereby people all over the world are joining in song and waking up to the wonders of mantra music.


What is Kirtan?

Kirtan and mantra music are essentially the same thing. Kirtan means ‘to repeat’ and is the ancient bakthi yoga practice of call and response singing and chanting the many Divine names (Namasmaranam). Kirtan also known as Bhajans (devotional songs) and mantra (sacred sound formulas) is a universal practice, transcending religious, cultural or racial differences. It is ultimately designed to help us attain the purpose of yoga, which is union with our true Self.

Kirtan and mantra works on many levels, from relaxation of physical tensions in the body to attaining deeper states of awareness beyond mind.  The ultimate purpose of chanting is to surrender. Surrender means connecting with who we really are. For this we have to go beyond the unconscious patterns that block us from feeling deeply connected to our divinity, humanity and nature.

There are no beginners or experts in Kirtan. It is an easy and joyous way to express our voice, release our emotions, connect with our hearts and each other. The chants we sing are mostly in Sanskrit, although we also incorporate Tamil, Hindi and Hebrew.


Learn more about Mantra, Chants and Vedas