Some days we wake up overwhelmed by the beauty of life. And some days we wake up overwhelmed by life!!! Today is one of those days where we both woke up feeling drained and homesick. Homesick for India, homesick for our beloved guru, Amma and most of all homesick to live fully in our hearts, free from any sense of lack, fear and separation! We decided to have a tea and chat about why we felt so out of alignment with the wonder of life, and reflect on all the things we are grateful for…

These past few months have been really busy and testing for us. New cds, launch events, new website, launching a sound life charity, planning an overseas tour, marriage…But when is life not busy for everyone, and when is life not testing us all to grow in love and wisdom?

We feel so much gratitude for the support we have received to help birth these new cds. And we feel really excited about sharing new music and our first US adventure. Yet deeply set feelings of lack and fear have been surfacing. A tug of war of control between the heart’s infinite wisdom and the mind’s limited vision have been playing out on our personal battlefields. How do we serve the highest good without any personal agenda? How do we let go of schemes? How do we blend the ultimate spiritual purpose of our lives with supporting ourselves materially? How do we stay connected with our inner-guidance? We sing, chant, talk about finding the answers within, being loving and trusting our inner guidance – but as our Guru cheekily asked us once: “…so Edo & Jo are implementing this?”

There is one word which points to the solution for all our doubts and suffering: Surrender. Surrender is a process. And this morning we found ourselves in tears and on our knees, chanting mantras and crying to surrender to the divine will. Asking to be exposed and vulnerable. Praying to let go of our little plans, so that we can trust in a greater plan, a greater unity and a beautiful flow that is always freely on offer from the universe…

We are excited to share Siddhi Buddhi (Bliss) with you today! Because bliss means the deep state of peace, joy and unconditional love that is ever present for us to connect with. This chant is a call for surrender to the force which showers our hearts with a wealth of love, wisdom and peace: Mahalakshmi.

Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi
Bhukti Mukti Pradayini
Mantra Murte Sada Devi
Mahalakshmi Namostute

Click this link to download:


We are in Wollongong this saturday at the wonderful Vinyasa Yoga and our Sydney launch is just 9 days away! Look forward to chanting together soon - please spread the word and help us make this a truly special night for our community!

With love and gratitude

Edo & Jo